Monday, July 27, 2009

Installing and Running VMWare Server 1.0.8 in Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jacalope

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I just recently installed VMWare Server 1.0.8 in Ubuntu 9.04 and while doing so, I have encountered several problems which prompted me to do some google queries that leads me to the different fragments of solutions.

I picked up this bits and fragments and form this article hoping that when you land into this blog, you will find all the steps you need to successfully install your VMWare Server 1.0.8 in Ubuntu 9.04.

Here are the 10 bits and pieces that I put together:

  1. Download VMware-server-1.0.8:
    # wget -c

  2. Download VMware-server Installation Script Patch:
    # wget -c 

  3. Untar the VMware-server:
    # tar xzvf VMware-server-1.0.8-126538.tar.gz

  4. Untar the Patch:
    # tar xzvf vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7-2.tar.gz

  5. Install some package dependencies:
    # sudo aptitude install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` xinetd g++ ia32-libs 

  6. Go to the VMware-server directory:
    # cd vmware-server-distrib

  7. Install:
    sudo ./ 

    Note: When you reached the stage in which the installer will ask if your want to run configuration script, type no.

  8. Go to the VMware patch directory:
    # cd ../vmware-update-2.6.27-5.5.7-2

  9. Run the patch installer:
    # sudo ./

  10. Read the instructions carefully until you are done.

- if you encounter this error:
"Unable to get the last modification timestamp of the destination file /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key." 

Do the following:

# sudo touch /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key
# sudo touch /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.crt

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1 comment:

  1. @martha, thanks for dropping your comment, hope i can write more articles that would interest you further. :)
