Friday, August 28, 2009

PHP Data Types

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Two Data Type Categories

  1. Scalar - contains only one value at a time

  2. Composite or Compound - array and objects

Four scalar types supported

  1. boolean - a value that can only either be true or false

  2. int - a signed numeric integer value

  3. float - a signed floating-point value

  4. string - a collection of binary data

Numeric Values

PHP recognizes two types of numbers

  1. integers
    - the int data type is used to represent signed integers

  2. floating-point values
    - also called float and sometimes double, are numbers that have a fractional component

Numeric Notations

  1. Decimal - standard decimal notation.
    ex. 10; -11; 1452
    Note: no thousand separator is needed or allowed

  2. Octal - identified by its leading zero (like the access permission of Unix)
    ex. 0666, 0100

  3. Hexadecimal
    ex. 0x123, 0XFF; -0x100

The leading 0x prefix are both case-insensitive
Octal numbers can easily confused with decimal numbers and can lead to some consequences

Two supported notations for Floating-point numbers

  1. Decimal - traditional decimal notation
    ex. 0.12; 1234.43; -.123

  2. Exponential - composed of a mantissa value followed by a case-insensitive letter E then an exponent value.
    ex. 2E7, 1.2e2

  1. The precision and range of both types varies depending on the platform on which your scripts run
    ex. 64-bit platforms may be capable of representing a wider range of integer numbers than 32-bit platforms

  2. PHP doesn't tract overflows

  3. Float data type is not always capable of representing numbers in the way you expect it to.
    ex. echo (int)((0.1 + 0.7) * 10);
    this results to 7 instead of 8 since the result of this simple arithmetic expression is stored internally as 7.999999 instead of 8.0.


An ordered collection of binary data.
  • could be text, content of an image file, spreadsheed or even a music recording.


  • can only contain either TRUE or FALSE.

  • used as basis for logical operations.

When converting data to and from the Boolean type, several rules apply:
  1. When a numeric variable is converted to boolean data type, the value becomes false if the variable contains zero and true otherwise.

  2. When a string variable is converted to boolean data type, the value becomes false only when the variable is empty or if it contains a single character 0. Other values, it is converted to true.

  3. When a boolean variable is converted to a numeric or string, it becomes 1 if it is true, and 0 otherwise.

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